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Long vowel 'a' sound:

Download and print a colouring page for Dale the whale and his friends in the bay: 

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a colouring page for Dale the whale and his friends in the waves:

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

Long vowel 'e' sound:

Download and print a colouring page for Sally the seal and her friends at the beach:

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a colouring page for Sally the seal and her friends at the stream:

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

Long vowel 'i' sound:

Download and print a colouring page for the shy crocodile:

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a colouring page for Mike on his bike:

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

Long vowel 'o' sound:

Download and print a colouring page for Joel the mole and Flo the crow:

Download and print a colouring page for Joel the mole, Flo the crow, and their friends:

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

Long vowel 'u' sound:

Download and print a colouring page for Pru on her scooter:

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a colouring page for Pru the blue cockatoo and Stu the gnu:

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

Short vowel 'e', 'oo' and 'u' sounds:

Download and print a colouring page for Heather and Doug:

Download and print a letter formation page: 

Download and print a colouring page for Sally the seal and her friends at the stream:

Download and print a read and write practise page: 

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