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Read-aloud Book 6:

This is a lovely story about Troy the cowboy. One day, while he is playing with Pat the cat, a strong gust of wind blows his hat right off his head and it is nowhere to be found. So Troy and Pat set off to Shirley's house to see if she can help to find his hat. But along the way, they meet a number of characters who have lost their hats too! They all search together to find their hats. Join Troy and his friends on their search and see what they find at Shirley's house. This is a story about friendship and inclusion, supporting each other, not giving up and working together as a team. There are also five fun and engaging activities for your reader to complete in order to check and reinforce comprehension and learning. 

This read-aloud book supports the self-reader books 1 and 2.

Series 3 Self-reader Books Entry level 1 - 2:


Series 3 Self-reader Books Plus level 1 - 2:


Read-aloud Book 7:

This is an insightful story about King George and his friendship with Lord Moor. The King is bored and it seems that Lord Moor cannot help. He searches across the land to find ways of cheering up King George. Along the way, he hosts a fancy ball, he finds an earwig with a hot air balloon and a bear that can sing. But King George is still bored. Until Lord Moor finds out that the circus is coming to town. What follows is a series of performances that eventually makes the King realise that he is indeed a very lucky king. This is a story about friendship, supporting each other when needed, not giving up, appreciating others and not being selfish. There are also four fun and engaging activities for your reader to complete in order to check and reinforce comprehension and learning.

This read-aloud book supports the self-reader books 3 through 5.

Series 3 Self-reader Books Entry level 3 - 5:


Series 3 Self-reader Books Plus level 3 - 5:


Read-aloud Book 8:

Series 3 Self-reader Books Entry level 6 - 9:

Series 3 Self-reader Books Plus level 6 - 9:

This is a story about an alien from Planet Rock who suddenly arrives on Planet Earth - in Chloe's and Christopher's garden to be exact! He goes to visit their new school where he gets up to all sorts of mischief! But then they go on an excursion to the zoo. The alien is not happy and so he invites Chloe and Christopher to Planet Rock to see how things are there. This is a story about friendship, being inclusive, having and sharing opinions, and caring for animals. There are also four fun and engaging activities for your reader to complete in order to check and reinforce comprehension and learning.

This read-aloud book supports the self-reader books 6 through 9.

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